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President Xi wants a 'more assertive' China globally, says professor
Chinese President Xi Jinping confronts Justin Trudeau at G20 | USA TODAY #Shorts
Analyst: Xi to become more assertive over South China Sea
What is behind China’s assertive behavior?
'Xi Jinping Thought': China's Post-Communism Ideology
PUBLIC LECTURE by Prof Akio Takahara "Trends in China's posture: implications for Japan and beyond"
Daring to Struggle: China’s Global Ambitions Under Xi Jinping | Bates Gill
Interpreting Xi Jinping's First Trip Abroad: Glimpses of an Emerging Diplomatic Strategy?
China Under Xi Jinping: From Human Rights Concerns to "Inter-Capitalist Competition" with U.S.
Myths on China in the World
CHINA'S NEW WORLD ORDER: Changes in the Non-Intervention Policy | TIUGD 18
Andrew Scobell - "PLA Influence on China’s National Security Policymaking"